Auburn Heights Preserve
- Agriculture
- Auto Parts and Repairs
- Auto Sales
- Bank
- Carpet and Flooring
- Children's Books
- Christian Schools
- Churches
- Commercial Roofing
- Copy Machines
- Entertainment
- Equipment Dealer
- Farm and Ranch
- Farmer's Market
- Financial Advisor
- Florist
- Funeral Home
- Gifts & Home Décor
- Graphic Design
- Grocery
- Hardware
- Health Food Store
- Home Builder
- Hotel
- Insurance
- Jewelry
- Knives and Accessories
- Legal
- Ministry Resource
- Mortgage Broker
- Office Equipment
- Painting
- Pest Control
- Precision Instruments
- Printers and Plotters
- Printing and Copy Center
- Property Management
- Real Estate
- Recycling
- Reprographics
- Restaurant
- Roof Trusses
- Septic Services
- Sheds
- Signs
- Stove Shoppe
- Surveying Equipment
- Travel Agent
- Utility Trailers
- Veterinarian
- Waterproof Decking
Phone Number: (302) 239-5687
3000 Creek Road, Box 36, Yorklyn, 19736
Visitors to Delaware State Park's newest attraction will see what life was like at the dawn of the automotive age. Auburn Heights Preserve features a furnished mansion completed in 1897 as well as the Marshall Steam Museum with the largest collection of operating steam cars in the world. The collection is owned and operated by the Friends of Auburn Heights Preserve.
The mansion, with its antique furnishings, and the museum, with steam cars and much more, are open to the public on select dates. Please check our program calendar for a complete schedule. Both are also available for tours by appointment. To schedule a tour, call (302) 239-5687. Tours will also be available during special events, such as Steamin' Day.