Devotions with Denise
Inching Up At The Intersection
We were traveling through town waiting at an intersection for the traffic signal to turn green. We happened to be in the lane going straight and we had vehicles to our left, in the turn lane, waiting for a green arrow.
I Didn't Want You To Get Your Hopes Up
"I didn't want you to get your hopes up." It was part of a conversation that I heard a mom say to her daughter recently...
No Guac
No guac. That's the end of my order at every Mexican restaurant. I am not a fan of the avocado so guacamole is NOT something I want dolloped out on top of my meal.
I've shared about my great-grandmother's trunk before. It is a priceless heirloom that my husband Ken secretly had restored for me one year as a Christmas gift.
Do As I Do
One of the quotes I remember hearing as I was growing up was this - don't do as I do - do as I say.
My List
I was fully engaged in worship at a camp meeting service one evening. My eyes were closed and I had no idea what was happening around me. When the music ended and I opened my eyes...
How To Spot A Counterfeit
When I worked in retail one of the things they taught us was how to identify fake currency. You might think that staring at fake bills would help to spot other fakes but this is what they told us: study the real deal.
Old Faithful
Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming? It is home to some of the most amazing geysers that erupt on a fairly regular schedule.
Charging Before The Storm
I saw it coming. The limbs and leaves on the trees were beginning to sway more and more. The sky was getting darker by the minute.
The Conductor
When my kids were in middle school they each expressed an interest in learning to play an instrument. Our son, Cody, wanted to learn to play the trumpet, and our daughter, Abby, had aspirations to play the flute.
Stain Remover
I have a terrible habit of spilling things. No matter how hard I try not to...something often makes its way onto my shirt.
I know at times we long for more simple days. Less gadgets and things that distract us but I've got to say that there are certain inventions that I am really thankful for.
The Rims Of Mugs
I had coffee with a dear friend the other morning. Every time we get together we catch each other up on life, family, and work. There is always laughter... and always tears.
Motion Activated
There is no such thing as a coincidence in God's story. My brain cannot even begin to comprehend how He created everything, keeps everything in order and takes action at the precise moments we need Him.
Change Your Course
We are such creatures of habit! I'm convinced that routine is the comfort we relax into from day to day.
Talk About It Again
One thing I have come to count on over the years of being married to my husband, Ken, is that if we put something on our calendar, he will bring it up in our conversations nearly every day until it comes to pass!
Who Touched Me?
"Who touched me?" Jesus asked while surrounded by a large crowd. Jesus' disciple Peter told him what clearly Jesus already knew. The whole crowd was pressing in toward Jesus as they walked. Yet Jesus asked the question for a different reason.
Not An Option
There are seasons in our life that we experience deep pain. It might be from loss or injury. Whether it was accidental, self-inflicted or intentional the pain cuts us deeply and can leave us staggering to hold up under the weight of it.
Results May Vary
Results may vary. It's the final sentence on advertisements we see on television and in magazines. Whether its fitness equipment, weight loss systems or skin care regimens, the manufacturer can put everything into it except for one thing: consistent usage.
Tasty Or Toxic
If there was a fountain near you that produced the most crystal clear, fresh water and you were able to stop and fill up your water bottle every day with refreshing water from this fountain you would probably stop by often, wouldn't you?
Finishing Our Sentences
You are loved. You were formed in the image and likeness of your Creator. Long before your parents laid eyes on you for the very first fact, long before your heartbeat was heard or your mama felt you move for the first time in her belly...
The Giant Pickle Jar
I watched a man take a giant pickle jar and pour a bunch of sand into it. Then he added a tray of pebbles that filled the jar almost to the top. So when the man tried to add in the big rocks there was no room...
The Best Leaders
The best leaders I've ever worked with - were followers first. They learned to follow well and understood the importance of being a good follower. We can't be leaders until we are followers. Perhaps the better way to say it is...
Honor & Faithful Service
I received a call one day to audition for a Christian music group called Sound of Joy. The group was based in Pensacola, Florida and had gotten my name from a group I had traveled with previously. I politely declined.
Some Root Work
My husband, Ken, and I were sitting out on our back deck one afternoon enjoying a beautiful day when I pointed out how strange it was to see a variety of leaves on the giant pine trees that run along the back of our yard's property line. There were plenty of pine tree limbs...
Squeezing & Crushing
What do orange juice, coffee, peanut butter and lemonade all have in common? You can't get them without a lot of work first! There is a lot of energy that goes into the process before we are able to enjoy the finished product. The picking, inspecting, sorting, squeezing, crushing, mixing, tasting...
The Blessing Of The One Who Holds The Key
There is a lyric in the song by artist Seph Schlueter called "Counting My Blessings" that says, "the more that I look in the details, the more of Your goodness I find.
A Modern Day Parable
Have you heard the modern-day parable about the man who prayed to be rescued from the rising flood waters in his town? He earnestly asked God to save him. Soon after, a neighbor showed up in a canoe...