On Air Now Right Song at the Right Time Midnight - 6:00am
Now Playing Your Grace Is Enough Matt Maher

Devotions with Denise

Today's Chapter

A friend of mine shared the most beautiful picture of a sunset from her vehicle's side window and it made me think about how glorious it is to watch the sunset on a day...and how breathtaking it is to watch the sunrise on a day.

It's Time

Waiting is an all too familiar place for us. It feels like such an enormous waste of time most often. Every day, it seems, we are required to wait for something or someone.

Filling Up the Space

The Apostle Paul told us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." We know that it is easier said than done.

What's That Smell?

Years ago I heard a story about limburger cheese that I've never forgotten. I've never tried this kind of cheese but the way I've heard it described it smells like really dirty socks.

Remember the Promise

"You can't have a rainbow without a little rain." You've probably seen that saying before. Can you imagine what it must have been like to look up in the sky and see the very first rainbow?

Your Server Will Be Right With You

I love giving credit to great servers! The best experiences I've ever had at eateries are almost always connected to having a fantastic person taking care of me while I am dining in their establishment.

Be Specific

My mom and I were talking recently about someone we had seen listed in the obituaries. She shared a memory that she had of this man from more than 40 years ago. He was an answer to her prayer.

If My People

I love God's promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Most likely you've heard it quoted when the topic of conversation is about how bad things have gotten.

Taking Action

I bought my husband, Ken, a gift for his birthday and I wanted him to have it before his birthday. But he sat it on the counter, along with all the other cards that came in the mail before his big day...

Fully Known

We check our email, our voicemail, direct messages....and then we scroll. We scroll through what social media calls our 'news feed'.

The Fragrance of Time Well Spent

Nesting is one of my favorite things to do! When my husband, Ken, and I moved into our first home I began to make that house feel like home.

We Are His Ambassadors

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be an ambassador in a foreign country? We would represent our country in a land that is not our homeland.

Just Ask

"There are two moments in life. Those you miss and those you seize." That wisdom came from an unlikely source...a Hallmark movie!

Fulfilling His Purpose

I had dinner with a friend the other night that I haven't seen in over 20 years. It was so good to catch up on our families and on life.

A Lesson From My Pop Pop

My grandfather died when I was about six years old. I only have a couple memories of him and this one made a very deep impression on me.

The Heart Of A Mom

Being a mom is the easiest... and the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life!

Beautiful & Battle Ready

Have you ever thought when you planted your feet on the ground first thing in the morning that they have a mission from on high? It's true!

My Japanese Maple

Years ago I made the comment to my husband, Ken, that I would love to have a Japanese Maple tree in our front yard. It just never happened when we lived there.

It's On The Way

While we sometimes long for simpler days, days before technology came to commandeer our attention all day and night, there are some things about it that I appreciate.

Better Together

When my kids were little they loved it when I was whipping up a cake. They always tried to patiently wait for me to disengage the egg beaters from the mixer out of the cake batter and since I had two kidlets...

Standing For Us

My son, Cody, spent a lot of time playing sports when he was younger. So we spent a lot of time on the bleachers!

Soaking It Up Like A Sponge

Imagine for a moment that you reach for a sponge in your kitchen to clean up a spill. You'd been drinking a glass of orange juice and it got knocked over and spilled out all over the counter.

Hidden Treasures

Every Easter Sunday when I was growing up, my brothers and I could count on three things: a new outfit to wear to church, an Easter basket full of goodies, and an...easter egg hunt.

Hidden Heartbeat

My friend has a twin sister...an identical twin sister. I have an idea they have had fun with that all their lives.

Double Lines

Those pesky double lines on a roadway come along at the most inconvenient time. Always when I am crunched for time...and always when I get stuck behind someone driving too slow.

Count It All Joy

"Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds." That's what James said in the first chapter of his book in the New Testament.

The Fishermen

At the end of my street is a very big pond. It's where ducks show up in the early Spring each year.

Brace Yourself!

I was sitting across from a financial advisor whose office was inside an old train station. When he said, "brace yourself!" I wasn't sure what he meant. Within seconds a train came barreling past...

The Flaw

When we were about to have our kitchen floor re-finished I picked out this beautiful pattern and I couldn't wait to see it installed.

The Deepest Love

There is no one like our God. He made the world and all its individual nations and waterways. Every animal, bird, fish and flower are each their own design.
