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Early Bird Specials

What if God offered “early bird specials” to anyone who sat at the table with Him at the start of the day? What if we could actually go into our day with an extra portion of peace and joy? How about suiting up with the whole armor of God before we even get out of bed?! Imagine having the time to sit and enjoy the meal without being rushed or distracted.

I drove by a restaurant the other day with a sign in front that advertised early bird specials. Essentially if you come in early you get a special price. There shouldn’t be a problem finding a table and if you prefer a quieter meal chances are good that you’ll find that too. Thinking about the benefits to the early bird as I drove by that sign I started thinking about the benefits of coming to the Lord early in the day. How much better my days are when I turn my heart toward God first thing in the morning! Even when things go sideways in my day I find myself leaning into Jesus faster than any day I went through oblivious to His presence.

Psalm 63:1 (NKJV) confirms it. “Oh God You are my God, early will I seek You.” It’s not just about seeking God early in our day but also early in every venture, every assignment, every challenge. Seek Him early. The early bird special will be worth telling others about!

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside
