On Air Now Right Song at the Right Time Midnight - 6:00am
Now Playing Honey In The Rock (Feat. Brandon Lake) Brooke Ligertwood

Meet Kathryn

The Crossover CUPS Mission is very passionate about sustainability. Once the young children who attend our Bible Camps become teenagers, they not only have the opportunity to join in the sewing and baking vocational programs, but they enter discipleship and leadership training classes. These young adults who grew up attending Bible Camps are now in training to be able to share the Gospel with the next generation of young children! They are becoming leaders in their communities and role models in which younger children can look up to.

Read below what one young leader had to say about the training they have been receiving:


"The discipleship class takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. We are working with a group of young people and children. Truthfully, every single child comes to this discipleship class full of joy to see how God is working in this community.

Our community is a community full of young people that are suffering from depression, and it gives me so much joy to give a class to young people that are suffering from this as they open their hearts to the Lord and as He enters their hearts. Also, in my community, I can be a leader, supporting and helping people who truly truly need me.

They need to see me talking correctly, walking correctly, reflecting correctly that I am light. The mission, Crossover CUPS Mission, has taught me to be an excellent leader."

If you would like the opportunity to help make this a possibility for more young teens, you can click on the link below to give! Just $23/month provides one teen access to this discipleship and leadership training. Prayerfully consider giving a portion of what God has blessed you with to bless others in the Dominican Republic!