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No Guac

No guac. That's the end of my order at every Mexican restaurant. I am not a fan of the avocado so guacamole is NOT something I want dolloped out on top of my meal. So when my friend and I were eating at a restaurant that actually made guacamole AT the table she was so emphatic that I would like it I agreed to try it her way.

I watched the server mash it then add lime juice, salt, onion, cilantro, and some other spices. My friend tasted it and asked for more of one thing and then another. And then she looked at me and said, 'now YOU taste it!' Hesitantly, I did. And... it actually DID taste good! I had no idea made-to-taste guac even existed!

It made me curious to ask the server about the variety of ways he is asked to make it. Mostly, the same ingredients, but less of some and more of the other. How often do we expect others to like things exactly the way we do? In fact, that often carries over to how we view each other. Wanting others to do and be exactly like we are.

Psalm 139:14 - 15 (TPT) reminds us, "I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. ... You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place; carefully, skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something."

We were each created by God. Every one of us has many of the same traits, likes, dislikes, even gifts, and talents; however, God sprinkled in exact proportions to make us individual and unique. A little more of this. A little less of that. Uniquely created by the Master Creator. Beautifully, wonderfully made.

Read more devotions written by Denise Harper at Treasured Inside

  • Treasured Inside Devotion

    Denise Harper’s new book, "Treasured Inside - Devotions With Denise," is available from The Bridge Store and at Amazon, Apple, Target, and more...



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